How to install Huawei Oceanstor eStor T35 | Infosyte
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12 Oct 2021

How to install Huawei Oceanstor eStor T35 instance on Huaweicloud

In this tutorial, we are deploying Huawei eStor on HuaweiCloud. There are also other methods we can deploy eStor on Fusion Compute (Huawei’s Hypervisor) and Hyper-V (Windows 10). For this tutorial, we will need 2 files which are HUAWEICLOUD_Oceanstor_eStor_xxx.zip and Licence_V6.zip. These 2 files can be downloaded from https://support.huawei.com/enterprise, search for the keyword “eStor”.

For this tutorial, we are using 3 machines. And the assumption you have already signed up with one account in HuaweiCloud.com

  1. Your working PC which has internet access to HuaweiCloud.com.
  2. eStor as Virtual Machine in HuaweiCloud.
  3. ECS (Elastic Cloud Server/VM) Running Windows 2019 (or any version) in HuaweiCloud.

Extract the files at your working PC.

Observe that the filename with extension “.qcow” exist with size of approximately 1.5GB.

Login to HuaweiCloud.com, and go to “OBS / Object Storage Service”. Click to download OBS browser and install it.

Just double-click the filename and install as usual.

After installed, observe the 4 fields, those are the values we will fill it up after we perform the essential configuration.

Observe the field number 1, account name, not the IAM user account name.
Then create a new bucket.

Select the desire region/City. Enter the name of the bucket. Just use the default for the rest of the configuration. Then hit “Create Now”.

After the creation of the bucket, just observe the bucket name. Next, we need to create a pair of keypair. Follow the link to obtain the access key (AK and SK).

We are limited to have 2 pairs of keys and any time. Once we hit the button “Create Access Key”, enter the confirmation code, you will be prompted to download the key file “credential.csv”. You can open this file using spreadsheet application Excel/OpenOffice, or even easier, just use notepad to open the csv file.

Take note of the access key and secret key. Copy the Access Key and Secret Key values and paste them into OBS browser.

Then switch back to the OBS console, and enter the bucket. From the below screenshot, we can copy value numbers 1 and 2. Then paste them into OBS browser.

Below is the example after we entered all 4 values. Then click “Log in”.

We should be able to observe “estor-image” bucket after log in from OBS browser.

We will need to upload the qcow file from our working PC to Huaweicloud’s OBS.

Observe the uploading process.
Observe the 1.5GB file after upload.

Next step, from HuaweiCloud console, we switch to IMS (Image Management Service) console. Then we select “Private Image”, and click “Create Image”.

Follow the below screenshot to create Virtual Machine template from qcow file.

Select the qcow file from the bucket we uploaded.

Follow the screenshot, to create the image/template.

Size 40GB is the minimum size.

Just use the default for the remaining settings and finish.

Observe the eStorT35 Image/Template has been created. Then we apply for server (Create a Virtual Machine/ECS with this selected template).

Mandatory steps, to create an additional “Data Disk” of 240GB (minimum).

After the next step, you will need to add an additional 2nd NIC card, the first NIC card will be used for Management IP, and 2nd NIC is for iSCSI traffic.

The reason we need to modify/add the security group is to allow tcp ports access besides default ports of 22(SSH) and 3389(RDP). We need to add on at least port TCP/3260(iscsi) and TCP/8088(management). To make things easier, we allow all ports in this scenario.

We do not need EIP(Public IP address) for this eStor.

You can choose password or keypair option.

After you deployed an eStor ECS, you can then deploy one ECS based on Windows 2019 Server with 1 vCPU | 4 GB RAM.

After deployed Windows, we will then perform remote login for eStor.

We check the private IP address being assigned to this eStor, and configure the IP address in eStor.

Configure the remaining settings based on the following screenshot.

Launch Remote Login to Windows ECS or you can use RDP to login Windows ECS. From the ECS, we launch browser, and enter the URL https://<estor-ip>:8088 .

Upon first-time login, you will need to set the password, in this case, I set the password to “Huawei@123”.

Before uploading the license,
From your working PC, extract the zip file, then open the **0001.dat file with Notepad. Copy all the contents then paste it into your RDP’s Windows session.
From your RDP windows session, prepare a notepad and paste the value from the license key.

Open this license file with notepad, copy the content and paste it into ECS Windows’s notepad.
Copy and paste into ECS’s Windows’s Notepad.

From RDP Windows desktop, create one empty text file with notepad, and paste the contents from your working PC, save the filename to lic-01.dat.

Optionally to configure DNS server addresses. You can use or

You can skip all steps and finish.


Welcome to Device Manager.

From eStor device manager portal, set up an ISCSI target IP address on the 2nd nic card. In this example, we use as the ISCSI target.
Windows 2019 (iscsi initiator) –> eStor (iscsi target).

After we’ve configured the IP address on eStor, it’s time for us to test from Windows 2019 (iscsi initiator).

From Windows 2019, we will launch ISCSI initiator and set the target to (iscsi target).

To verify ISCSI initiator from eStor portal.

Linus Lai

Senior Technical Instructor
Technical Trainer and Deployment Engineers for more than 20 years.

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